News 01.11.14

Vigilance Supports Cracking Danson Park Fireworks 

On Saturday 1st November officers and managers of Vigilance Properties Ltd attended Welling Round Table's Danson Park Fireworks to give freely of their professional services to support this annual charity fundraising spectacular for the local people of Bexley.

CSR Contribution

As part of its wider CSR agenda the company supplied a team of ten trained and SIA-licensed officers pro bono in order to support Welling Round Table police and secure this annual fireworks display that attracts over 25,000 South London locals.

The event is organised in the beautifully landscaped grounds of Danson Park, and includes a choreographed fireworks display to musical accompaniment, as well as a funfair and other entertainments.


Commercial director Ian Lyons said: "This was a fantastic event and the pictures testify to the spectacular fun enjoyed by all. The time and effort put in by our security team was hugely appreciated by the organisers."

Local Community & Beyond

Each year the proceeds of the Danson Park Display are put to use in the local community and beyond. Recent event income has been put to uses such as the purchase of a local youth group minivan and supply of sports equipment, the commissioning of a regimental banner for a World War II veteran's association, and contributions to a school building project in Nepal.

Helping Others

Event manager Kerry Allon said: "Welling Round Table is a group of youngish men, and one of the ways we enjoy ourselves is by helping others... think of us as a social club with a conscience.

"I found your team to be very smart, polite and responsive to the needs of the event, while enforcing an air of authority. It was certainly the most well-stewarded and secure event that I have organised. Thank you and your team for the superb role that Vigilance fulfilled on our behalf."

Double Milestone

In 2015 Welling Round Table will be celebrating a double milestone, the 40th anniversary running of the Danson Park Fireworks and the 60th anniversary of its community assistance for the people of the London Borough of Bexley. Vigilance Properties looks forward to another successful event, for what is a highly worthy cause.


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