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News 20.03.17
AiS montly lectures are an invitation only sequence of expert presentations to a select audience of insurance professionals on topical themes, and invite active participation and robust Q&A's to broaden industry knowledge. The topic for March explored a theme of 'illegitimate occupations of empty properties".
Following an introduction by the BSIA, Vigilance was invited to develop its presentation with Mike Jay, convenor of the RISCAuthority's security group. Lennon and Lyons chose to build on themes developed through active past customer experiences and with the benefit of a recent Vigilance symposium with prominent fund managers on the subject of fly tipping and trespass incidents.
An introductory presentation to explore the key themes and parameters of the topic quickly segued into lively interactive Q&A at an event that benefitted from nationwide webcast and with post-event archive access to a protected YouTube channel.
A to and fro Vigilance panellist and delegate discussion ranged from the merits of security fundamentals such as concrete bollards and monitored GSM video alarms systems, to the merits of licensed security officers, to the protocols required to streamline formal eviction processes in cases of unlawful occupation of vacant property.
A particular point of interest to AiS members proved to be Vigilance's own protection by security in residence. And there was subsequent discussion of the merits and limitations of guardian schemes in light of the recent experiences of certain AiS members nationwide and a discussion of a particular case of interest in Bristol.
Ian Lyons Vigilance's commercial director commented,
"It is always a pleasure and an education to engage with customers and stakeholders. John and I would like to extend our thanks to the AiS for inviting us to present at its March Lecture, and to the BSIA for its introduction.
"Our appointed lecture topic of unlawful occupation of vacant premises provoked a lively, far-reaching and thought provoking discussion that focussed on key areas of potential enhanced preventative action, as well as flagging areas of concern over current provisions."
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