Blog 18.08.16

System Security that Supports Manpower

As the manager, developer, investor or owner of a commercial property, it is likely to be your responsibility to ensure that the property is sufficiently protected and in order to do so you may be using systems security (ie. CCTV, Alarms or Access Control). This might be due to insurance requirements or because it’s the cheapest option. However, systems are a reactive solution and can only provide information on what damage or security breaches have taken place and are therefore unlikely to actually prevent security breaches on your property.

It doesn’t have to be a choice between systems security and its usual alternative, manpower and it is in fact necessary to consider that the two can work efficiently to support each other. Take some time to address the actions below to decide whether your property is being adequately protected and if not, what level of security would be most suitable to possibly supplement other services.

Things to consider:

Action 1. Are alarm activations and CCTV activations preventing threats? Are you still getting numerous call outs and activations? Have the activations led to convictions or a reduction in threats?

Action 2. Are key required / insurance stipulated measures already being met? Is the system designed to protect the current site status as opposed to when the system was first commissioned? It should be considered that if manpower isn’t present, what is the additional opportunity cost of the time spent managing the site?

Action 3. Is there a cost to the call outs and required manpower support on activations? Is this cost more expensive than a low cost manned security option such as a caretaker? Would a blend of services be more effective?

Action 4. Do the activations indicate any actual, potential threats or risks brewing; is the area experiencing problems; do crime stats rise at this time of year and could the option of seasonal manpower help support this technology. 

It’s important to remember that “our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate” 

as outlined by technology writer Alvin Toffler.

Therefore it is important to question whether, on sites that experience problems, systems are actually stopping threats and breaches or simply recording them? Despite security systems being a great low-cost alternative, some threats may require further manpower support in the form of Security Guards/Caretakers, to react to threats on site and to evidence the events that take place for the police to be able to facilitate a prosecution. 


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