News 02.01.17

New Recruit Boosts IT Capabilities

Vigilance has appointed technology manager Will Stanway to its senior management team with a mandate to boost and develop the company's in house and external IT systems and security capabilities.


Stanway has longstanding links with Vigilance and its clients and in taking up the role of technology manager Will is tasked with enhancing Vigilance's in house IT strength in depth. His appointment will boost the company's growing suite of systems technology, and the IT-related security services that Vigilance customers already enjoy.

Will's background is as an IT project leader, having graduated with a degree in business and computing. He first cut his teeth at Cupertino, California based technology multinational Apple where he helped develop and popularise a global user training programme.

Enduring Enthusiasm

While at Apple he developed an enduring enthusiasm for customer-focussed IT project management. Subsequently as a project lead at London-based IT services provider Pebble, Will specialised in the specification of secure client office IT infrastructure, often migrating company systems across changing environments and implementing internal managed software solutions.

Vigilance is delighted to welcome Will to the team, and gains a highly experienced and knowledgeable IT professional, who understand his clients' needs for capable and cost-effective, secure systems delivered to tight timeframes. In taking up his post Stanway commented:

New & Innovative

"Joining Vigilance offers a unique opportunity to streamline systems to offer greater business efficiencies to the business and its customers. Not only that, the opportunity to deliver new and innovative services to Vigilance's ever growing base of security customers makes for a very exciting future."



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